60 years ago India's founding forefathers had a dream for all of us - a dream of an equal and just society where everyone has the right and privilege to lead a fulfilling and nurturing life, free from all kinds of oppression.
Today nobody can say that India has achieved this dream. We have a new master - the political Neta. This Neta, who asks for our votes during elections, and then forgets us after he wins, this political entity decides the common man's destiny.
The Aam Aadmi party wants to change this scenario. We aim to achieve true ‘Swaraj’  and in doing so, become a powerful instrument of change in politics. We are a political movement that wants to create a just and free society in which development works for all.
When we are elected, we will work on a result oriented local agenda based on real needs. We are not going to become VIPs roaming in red beckons. We will serve you and you and you will frame our development agenda. You will have the right to recall us from the very posts you elected us to, and choose someone else.
At the Aam Admi Party - we are nothing, if we cannot serve you. Trust us - give us your vote !! Join the movement.
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